Posted 2019 Jun by Lily Bridgewater / #collabs

Twice a year our team sets out on a nationwide search to discover artists who are cream of the crop. When we find one who really has something special, we reach out and collaborate to bring their art and our wallets together. So who are these artists, what inspired their designs and what makes them tick? We’ve got all the deets here:

Meet Jack Soren

Do you have any nicknames?
Jack Jack, Jacky Boy, Soar, Captain Jack. 

What is your goal with your art?  
My goal is to do as much art as I can creating a huge volume of work. I bring to life any concepts and visuals that my imagination conjures up. They stay in my mind until they are born or if I wait long enough they fade. I try not to let them fade. 

What inspired your designs for this collection?
The inspiration for these designs came from the weird, strange, randomness that occupies a majority of what goes on in my head every day haha. 
For these designs specifically, I'll look at the photo and then a concept or idea will spark and I'll draw all over them as they enter my brain. 
I have a love for the Ocean but there is also a sadness when it comes to the sea, so this one comes from deep down.
The characters on Salvation Mountain are silly, its a silly place. I just thought the whole place, in general, was funny so I illustrated funny monsters and weird things
that I could look back at and laugh to my self about. 

If you could go to lunch with anyone who would it be?
If I could sit down and eat lunch with Tyler The Creator that would be rad. I think his raw creativity is amazing. 

What's your favorite thing in your wallet?
That would have to be the signature on my driver's license when I was 16. It looks like a 16-year-old wrote it...

What inspires your creativity?
My Mom has been the biggest inspiration to me. I've never known anyone who can hustle life with creative thinking like she can.

What are you listening to right now?
Right now I'm listening to Lil Yachty, MF DOOM, and the GROWLERS.

Favorite place on earth? 
The North Shore, Oahu. People dream their whole lives to spend only a week there. I grew up there. I'm living the dream. 

Do you any recommendations?
A book that I've enjoyed that helped me a lot through my creative endeavors is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. That woman speaks the truth and she can read minds. Great book.

Is there a phrase you live by?
A phrase that I live by and would share is "Sink or Swim", its either you push and move forward with everything you got, or you sink. It's simple. Hustle everyday, there's no quitting when you're out in the middle of this big ocean

Any last words?
The last thing about me is that I'm still trying to figure it all out, I'm still learning. Every day there is a new opportunity to step up to a higher plane of living. Whether its art that gets me there, being with my family and friends, or being in the ocean, I've always been blessed with everything good in life. I'm very fortunate. 

Check out designs similar to Jack's Collection here!
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