BEHIND THE PAINT: Jessie & Katey

Posted 2019 Jun by Alysha Edwards / #collabs

Twice a year our team sets out on a nationwide search to discover artists who are cream of the crop. When we find one who really has something special, we reach out and collaborate to bring their art and our wallets together. So who are these artists, what inspired their designs and what are their mantras? We’ve got all the deets below:



Katey and Jessie are two friends who are based out of Maryland who create art together.

When did you both start working together?

We’ve been collaborating together for about 5 years.
But we went to art school together and really developed alongside each other during that time.


Tell us about your designs in the Artist Collection

We’re usually creating large-scale installations/murals. We tend to use
a lot of bold colors. These prints are more intimate, with slightly muted pallets and more little details within the shapes.

Is there anything you like to listen to as you create?

We like to listen to music, podcasts, and the radio. Kind of depends on the mood of the studio.

If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be?

It would be really cool to design an entire music video set for Missy
Elliot. She’s amazing, always has great dancers, it would be a new way of thinking for us.

Check out some wallets similar to theirs here

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