Music Monday: Su Grand

Posted 2019 Jun by Thread Wallets / #music

Like most people, we love knowing the latest and greatest when it comes to music. Even more than that, we love sharing some of our favorite artists and bands. We recently had the opportunity to interview one of our favorite up-and-coming new musicians, Michael Whittle of Su Grand. Michael is not only one of the most talented people we know but he’s also one of the most genuine and authentic persons you could ever interact with. We’ve been a fan of his music and songwriting for a while so we jumped on the opportunity to get to know him the background of his latest music video, The Scream and share some of his latest work with our fans.

Q: Why are you drawn to music as your creative outlet?
A: It is a unique form of storytelling. I have always been drawn to the rhythm and flow of slam poetry. When I would go to New York I would go to the Nuyorican in the Lower East side. I have never been more impacted by art. The musicality of their performance inspired me to do the same with music. I believe you can communicate on different levels when you add music to the mix.

Q: Where do you draw your inspiration from?
A: Hip-hop, Jazz, and singer-songwriters. Growing up in Chicago I was exposed to many different styles of music. My friends were always looking for the best underground acts and looking for ways to see them live. It is all we would talk about.

Q: What’s been the scariest thing about putting your music out there?
A: Getting silence in return. I rather have someone tell me they hate my music than not say anything at all.

Q: What was the inspiration behind the music video you are releasing?
A: Smoke and shadows. ‘The Scream’ is about the ugly truths that we try to hide and ignore about ourselves. I wanted to create a landscape that exemplified that feeling.

Q: What advice would you give to someone pursuing music?
A: Write, write, write. If you ever get stuck collaborate. Then write some more.

Q: What was your favorite song on your EP? and why?
A: It changes. My favorite song is usually the one that I am currently working on. So, right now my favorite song is content I’m working on for my upcoming release.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time.
A: Eat and sleep.

Q: What makes your style, sound, and brand unique or different from other musicians?
A: I try to be authentic to me and what I love. I know that other people are trying to do that same thing but it always comes out different because we are all unique individuals.

Want more Su Grand? Head on over to his Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
And don’t forget to check him out on Soundcloud or Spotify.
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