The Heather Goodman Collection

Posted 2019 Jun by McKenzie Bauer / #collabs / #people / #travel

Heather Goodman has been one of our favorite photographers for years now and we are so excited to be teaming up with her to bring to you one of our favorite collections! Heather is a world-traveler and storyteller and if you haven't checked out her work, you have to. She recently trekked to Peru with CharityVision, an international non-profit organization focused on restoring curable sight impairment in people of developing nations. With this in mind, we decided to donate 20% of the profit from her collection to this amazing organization. We sat down with Heather and asked her some questions about her trip to Peru, her photography, and what advice she'd give to young photographers and business owners.
How did you get involved with Charity Vision?
They actually reached out to me! I remember the day we Facetimed, I was blown away by their mission and immediately knew I wanted to get involved.
What was your favorite part of visiting Peru with Charity Vision?
The people for sure! Because of their close connection and involvement in the country, we were able to get up-close and personal with so many locals and hear so many stories. As much as I love good food and beautiful sights, the people are always what make me fall in love with a place.
Tell us about photographing such a unique cultural experience.
I was seriously in heaven photographing the Quechua people - their faces were engraved with history. I felt like I was peeking back in time. They were such humble, grateful people, constantly thanking us for helping them even though I felt like I was the one being spoiled. I just fell in love over and over with all the beautiful people and culture.
A lot of people feel that they need to go abroad to serve. How do you try to serve and help others in your day-to-day life? 
I think sometimes we look at poverty in other countries and see it more simple than it actually is: that they just need food, or clothes, and their problems will be solved. When in reality, their issues are just as deeply rooted and complicated as our own problems here in the U.S. So what I'm trying to say is, we might not be able to solve everything overnight. But we can make a difference in someone's day or even life by simple acts of charity. We can raise good families, be good neighbors, and care for those in our own cities who need our help - whether we believe it was their own fault or not. I think not judging, and just serving, are some of the greatest acts of kindness we can do.
You've been able to use your photography to capture people's cultures in a really beautiful and intimate way. How do you feel your photography and other talents allow you to serve people?
I think the moment I realized how powerful photography can be is when I was able to photograph a Middle Eastern culture this year. I go SO many messages from people saying that the photos totally changed their perceptions of Muslims and people from the Middle East. They said they felt more connected to these people who they previously had only had bad perceptions of, thanks to what's on TV. This affected me deeply and I realized I had a responsibility and capability to change the world in this small way!
What advice would you give people who want to get involved with Charity vision or other charities? 
I've had people ask me how you get involved in shooting for humanitarian causes, and my answer to them is the same for getting involved in ANY photography industry: go out and create your own opportunities. Build a portfolio in what you want to shoot, and then reach out to companies that fit your dream job. If you want to get involved just in general, donations go a long way. I know we all want to be on the front lines but sometimes I think just making sure our money is going to good organizations can make a huge difference! I have seen firsthand how Charity Vision is changing lives in a legit way, so simply donating to them (or purchasing a Thread Wallet!) would help further all the good things they are doing!
What advice would you give people who want to use their professional skills and talents to serve?
I say: make it your job OR find a job that still gives you enough time and resources to use your skills and talents to serve. I truly believe we were given our talents not to serve ourselves but to serve others and God. So no matter what you're good at - whether it's playing the piano, surfing, raising children, or simply being a good friend, there is ALWAYS a way to serve others using your talents. With a little thought and prayer, you'll find your calling, I'm sure of it!
What's day to day like in the life of Heather Goodman? 
Don't get me wrong - I love my life - but I think it's a lot more mundane than people realize. I usually spend the first half of the day answering emails, editing photos, being on the phone. Some days I'm on the computer all day or driving to Costco. Once in a while, though I get to do something epic and spend all day at the beach with friends or go on a hike! 
I've seen you write a lot about goals on Instagram. What're your goals for the upcoming new year? How do you plan to accomplish them?
This past year has been a ton of hustling and getting my shop up and creating my courses, and so for 2018, I want to reclaim my life a little bit and get back to soaking up the moment. So my goal is to automate more of my business and have some good systems going so that I'm not constantly doing the grunt work. I also want to refine our brand and really set ourselves apart from other travel blogs and photography educators. Outside of business I want to focus on my relationships, be more honest and loving towards myself, and go to Italy ;) Bryant graduates from school this year, so I plan on accomplishing these goals by having a lot more help from him!
I've seen you write about misperceptions of individuals on Instagram -- how do you combat these misperceptions and how would you encourage others to combat them and promote a positive atmosphere on social media?
The main misperceptions people have on Instagram are that people's lives are perfect and that the people they see on Instagram aren't actually human beings on the other end of the screen. The problem with this is that for some reason, it makes negative people think it's okay to say mean things or be super judgmental. I've had some pretty rude comments and I'm just like... what?? Do they not even realize I'm just a girl trying to make a living? Just trying to do this thing called life? And so I've really tried to make it a point to be vulnerable and open and honest online. I don't share all my dirty laundry and I'm actually quite a private person, but I do try to let people know my life isn't perfect and that I have insecurities and doubts and bad days too. It's all about balance. 
What are your top three tips for running a  successful business as a photographer and content creator?
1. Persistence. Just keep going. The only difference between successful people and non-successful people is how long they've been doing it for. You just can't quit or get too caught up in where everyone else is at. There will always be someone better, so just focus on your own journey.
2. Stand out. There is way too much of the same things out there. You are you and that is your power. There are definitely a million people more talented than you, BUT there is only one YOU and that is what you get to market. You are unique and have different ideas about things, so use that to your advantage and create something different!
3. Believe in yourself. Okay, that sounds super cheesy. But I spent years not charging what I was worth because I was afraid no one would pay that much for me. And then I had a friend who literally started her business with no experience and was getting my dream jobs charging what I wouldn't dare to charge. And she could do it just because she had that confidence in herself! It totally changed my perception of what I was worth and made me realize that if I didn't see my value, no one else would. 
Want more Heather? Head to her website, here!
Want your photos to look like Heathers? Check out her presets, here!
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