Thread Head Spotlight: Tory Gilkerson

Posted 2019 Jun by Lauren Turley

Surfer babe and World Longboard Champion Tory Gilkerson is the REAL DEAL. We got to catch up Tory and she was cool enough to share a little bit about herself with you guys!! Read on to find out exactly why we're so stoked to have her on our team!

"I'm 25 years old and am a professional longboarder from San Clemente California. I’m also a notorious travel bug. I'm in love with surfing and the ocean but when I'm not wet I'm either doing yoga, running around, fishing or listening to music. I am very active and love to have a good time. Most days for me consist of waking up, drinking lots of tea, and then finding waves. I just moved to Australia a few months ago and I’m loving it, talk about point breaks and a longboarders dream!

 I love traveling around to all the events and just dreamy places and share the cool surf lifestyle with others. Overseas competitions tend to turn into travel adventures, whether it's hopping on a boat and going fishing or driving around until we find an exciting new wave to surf between heats. In 2016 I won my first WSL World Longboard Title, and this year I won my second world title in the ISA World Longboard Championship.

I am ecstatic to have these accomplishments under my belt and am hopeful for the future of longboarding, both in and out of events. To sum it up I just love to spend as much time as I can surfing, fishing, traveling and being in my bikini. 


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