People: Amber Mozo

Posted 2019 Jun by McKenzie Bauer / #collabs / #lifestyle / #people / #product / #travel

Over the past few months, we’ve been hard at work putting together one of our favorite collaborations to date. We met Amber Mozo back in 2010 and have loved viewing the world through her eyes ever since. Amber is one of the kindest, most genuine and talented creatives we know. Her smile is infectious and her love of life can be felt through every photograph she takes. If pictures are worth a thousand words, Amber’s Instagram feed is a book you won’t want to put down.

Together with Amber, we’ve chosen some of our favorite shots of hers to include in our latest collection, The Amber Mozo Collection. Six wallets inspired my Amber’s beautiful photography and life. We are stoked on this collaboration and are stoked to introduce our followers to our favorite beach babe.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

A: My name is Amber Mozo. Well, I guess technically my last name is Hollingsworth now because I married my best friend Colby back in 2016. SO, my name is Amber Mozo Hollingsworth? Weird! Anyway, I grew up in Hawaii where daily life is so beautiful! I can’t help but take photos of everything.

Q: What inspires you?
A: The ocean is my main source of inspiration. I find myself always going to the ocean for loving and for healing — always! Life has always inspired my art. After my Dad died in the waves, all we were left with were his photos. His photos really spoke to me. Through them, I could understand how much he loved life and the ocean.

Q: How do you strive to honor your dad through your photography?
A: I think the best way to honor my dad is by appreciating, loving and gracefully accepting the circle of life and by documenting and sharing it with others. (If you haven't watched the amazing video Redbull put together of Amber and her journey to facing the wave that took her dad's life, watch it here).

Q: What message do you try to get across through your photography?
A: There is never just one message that I’m trying to get across (of course). With one single photo, there are a million things I’m trying to say. The beauty of photography is that everyone can take and view things differently. I like that about art. I sometimes have a hard time with words so that’s why I fell in love with photography. Speaking through colors is my first language.

Q: You have a really cool project you’ve been working on, can you tell us a little about it?
A: Lumiere is a beautiful and unexpected film that was naturally born while traveling through French Polynesia with my friend Tay Steele. Lumiere means light in French and perfectly fit the message that I try to share through my photography and through my new photo book, Chasing light. 

Q: What do you like doing in your spare time?
A: I love surfing. I try to surf with my husband every day. Together, we also really love cooking. I honestly go to the grocery store every day looking for random ingredients for my next meal! I don’t cook anything fancy but I’d much rather spend time in the kitchen with music on making my own food rather than eating take out. Being in the kitchen is also a big break away from my laptop. Sometimes in our studio hours will pass and I’ve been glued to the screen. So a good surf, swim or time in the kitchen are things I like to fill my spare time with. My life also revolves around our puppy, Willow, I pretty much spend all the time I can with her. She’s my little shadow. 

Q: What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get into photography?
A: I’d say don’t worry about it looking perfect or looking like your favorite Instagram account. There are no rules to shooting photography. Don’t worry about it looking how other people shoot or edit. Don’t try to live the way other people are living so that your life can look like theirs. Fill your days with the things that make you feel whole. Worry about how your art and photos can make people feel. Remember that your art can change someone’s life and perspective, show them something worth remembering!

Q: What has been your favorite place to travel and why?
A: WHAT A HARD QUESTION! I often revisit the same places all for different reasons. I love going to Fiji for pure ocean time, endless beauty everywhere you look, blue water and amazing waves. I love visiting Bali to challenge my mind, to absorb the energy and colors and culture. I love Tahiti for my soul because Tahiti speaks to me the loudest. New Zealand because that’s where my roots are and I feel connected to my family that has passed on. I’m in love with too many countries, that question will never have a solid answer.


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